Listado de Carpetas

Código de Carpeta:

Nombre de Carpeta:

Código Nombre Folio Autor DF SF
0 Programa 2013 Catedra 3 1
1 Identification of Empty categories Gueron, Haegeman 3 1
2 New Comparative Syntax Gueron, Haegeman 18 -
3 Why can´t we wipe the slate clean? Mateu 6 -
4 English Resultative and Path-of-Motion Constructions Stamboni 3 -
5 Verb Typology Cycle Stamboni 1 1
6 Delimiter and other Intransitive Prepositions Stamboni 1 1
7 Non-Equative Attributive Sentences Stamboni 1 -
8 Copular Alternation In Attributive Sentences Brucart 17 1
9 Formalismo y tipologia verbal Stamboni, Hospital 14 1
10 Constructos Sintactico-Semanticos Stamboni, Villar 16 1
11 Un sistema binario de constructos semanticos Stamboni, Villar 5 1
12 Verbs and times (Aktionsart) Vendler 4 -
13 Aktionsart (apunte de catedra) Stamboni 3 1
14 Spanish Subjunctive Mood [Modality] Stamboni 1 1
15 Clitico SE en constrcucciones inacusativas Masullo 6 1
16 Antipassive SE [basado en Masullo] Stamboni 3 -
17 Spanish Pronominal System Stamboni 1 -
18B Spanish Pronouns - Leismo Stamboni 2 -
19A Clitics (definition) Stamboni 4 -
18A English Pronominal System Stamboni 1 1
19B Experiencer In Subject-Raising Constructions Stamboni 4 1
20 Impersonales, Pasivas, Medias (resumen Medikoetxea) Stamboni 1 1
21 Processes of Grammaticalization on PP's Stamboni - 1
22 Relative Pronouns Stamboni 2 -
23 Verb Types. Transitivity and Intransitivity Stamboni 2 -
24 Alternancias casuales y tipologia verbal [H-525] Stamboni, Hospital 13 -
25 Los Cliticos del Español y el Caso Stamboni, Hospital 13 -
26 Impersonales y Pasivas con SE (ponencia) Stamboni, Libutzki 9 -
27 Impersonales y Pasivas con SE (ppt) Stamboni, Libutzki 19 -
28 Ergatividad (ponencia) Stamboni, Remiro 5 -
29 Ergatividad (ppt) Stamboni, Remiro 15 -
30 Expletivos y Concordancia en Español Stamboni 3 1
31 Non-Nominative Subjects (resumen) Masullo 1 1
32 Double Object Construction Bleam 4 -
33 The Indirect Object Stamboni, Streckwall 2 1
34 Quirky Datives Stamboni 1 -