Listado de Carpetas

Código de Carpeta:

Nombre de Carpeta:

Código Nombre Folio Autor DF SF
1 Siting Translation. History, post - structuralism and the colonial context. Tejaswini, Niranjana. 11 0
0 A Programa 2012 Cátedra 0 10
2 Contemporany short stories Budin 57
3 Borges and translation Waisman Sergio 43 0
4 Siting translation (Cap 2: Representing text and cultures translation studies and ethnography ) Niranjana Tejaswini 11 -
5 4.Culture-specifi items in traslation - 7 1
6 Power differectials Robinson 4 -
7 The meek or the mighty :Reapprasing the role of the traslator - 3 1
8 Rethiking Translation Venuti 4 1
9 Translation and power - 7 -
11 Introduction. En: Changing the Terms. Simon, S. y St-Pierre, P. (ed.) Simon, Sherry 6 1
10 The monarch of The Glen (LIBRO COMPLETO) Compton Mackenzie 82 1
12 New Dresses Katherine Mansfield 3 0
18 Rethinking translation. Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology. Itroduction Lawrence Venuti 5 0
17 Siting Translation. CH 2. Representing Texts and Cultures: Translation Studies and Ethnography Tejaswini Niranjana 11 0
16 Translation and Power. Introduction Edwin Gentzler and Maria Tymoczko 5 1
15 Translation, Power, Subversion. CH 4. Culture-specific Items in Translation Javier Franco Aixelá 7 1
14 Translation, Power, Subversion. CH 2. The Meek or the Mighty: Reappraising the Role of the Translator Susan Bassnett 4 1
13 Translation and Empire. CH 2. Power Differentials Douglas Robinson 44 0
0B Programa 2019 Cátedra 7 0
19 The collected stories of Katherine Mansfield Katherine Mansfield 49 1
1B Cronograma clases teorico-practico Cátedra 21 0
20 Copyediting - Practice 2019. Translation from: Mansfield "Marriage a la mode" Cátedra 14 1
21 Copyediting - Practice 2019. Translation from: and yet.. It`s strange how such a small word can make such a big difference Cátedra 2 0
22 2019 - Questionnaire 1. Douglas Robinson - Translation and Empire Cátedra 1 0
23 2019 - Normativa de la Lengua - Competencia Lingüistica Cátedra 0 1
24 The process of translation. CH 4 and 5. Douglas Robinson 8 0
25 Cap. 8: Towards a model of translation competence. En: Translation into the Second Lenguage Campbell, S. 8 0
26 Literatura y traduccion Battiston Dora 6 0