Listado de Carpetas

Código de Carpeta:

Nombre de Carpeta:

Código Nombre Folio Autor DF SF
35 Formalism and functionalism Puga-Wenk 10 -
46 Partitive Phrase All of those teachers - 9 -
45 History of grammatical study - 1 -
44 Grammar and Linguistics - 1 -
36 Gramatica generativa entre pasado y presente Chomsky Noam 3 1
34 Matching Theory - 2 1
40 Primitive sentece patterns - 2 -
41 Cuadro (Verb Types) - - 1
42 9.Constituency tests and disambiguation - 4 1
43 Configurational Relations - 5 -
37 English Grammar 1 (2015) Stamboni Luis 44 -
38 The Syntax of frequency adverbs - 1 1
39 Modal and aspectual adverbials in preverbal position Stamboni 1 -
33 Inversion y other syntactic alternations - 3 1
32 Inversion Stamboni Juan 1
31 Inversion - 2 -
30 Modality and voice alternations - 1 1
29 Passice Voice-Cleft Sentece - 3 1
28 Focus, theme and emphasis - 6 1
27 Cleft and psedo -cleft constructions Stamboni - 1
26 Reduced , abridged or abbreviated clauses Stamboni 3 -
25 Subordinate Clauses - - 1
24 Adverbial Clauses Stamboni 5 -
23 The Adjective Stamboni 5 -
22 The Noun Stamboni 7 -
2 Verbs - 7 -
21 Free Relative Clauses Stamboni 5 -
20 Relative Clauses Stamboni 4 -
19 Noun Clauses Stamboni 3 -
18 Cuadro (Embedded Clause Finite, Non finite) - 17 1
17 Coordination Stamboni 2 -
16 English non - finite verb forms Stamboni 9 1
15 Pronouns it there Stamboni 4 1
14 The Adverb Stamboni 6 -
13 History of grammatical study -TP - 1 1
12 Determiners - 4 1
11 Closed-system items - 4 -
10 Words Stamboni 12 -
9 Morphology Stamboni 3 -
8 Auxiliary verbs - 1 1
7 Different criteria for definition of word classes - 2 1
6 Introduction to grammar 1 - 2 -
5 Grammar - 5 1
4 History of grammatical study Stamboni 5 -
0 Programa 2015 cátedra 3 1
3 Thematic relations roles - 3 -
1 Theta Theory - 10 1
47 Glossary of terms , abbreviations and symbols - 1 1
48 Empty Categories Stamboni 3 1
49 Ug Principles - 37 1
0 A Cronograma de clases teoricas y practicas 2015 catedra 14 1
0 B Cronograma 2017 Cátedra 19 1
50 Trabajos practicos 2018 Cátedra 10 0
0 C Cronograma Practicos 2018 Cátedra 1 1